
2024年5月31日—YoucanopenvariousonlinemediainIINAdirectlyfromwebbrowsersbyusingourbrowserextensions.TheSafariAppExtensionisalready ...,IINA.ThemodernmediaplayerformacOS.GitHubGPLv3Downloadv1.3.5.RequiresOSX10.13+,thelatestmacOSrecommended.Downloadbetareleasesornightly ...,Youcandownloadotherbinariesfrom$ARCH}/fileList.txtwhereARCHcanbeuniversal,arm64andx86_64.Ifyouwanttob...

Download | IINA

2024年5月31日 — You can open various online media in IINA directly from web browsers by using our browser extensions. The Safari App Extension is already ...


IINA. The modern media player for macOS. GitHubGPLv3 Downloadv1.3.5. Requires OS X 10.13+, the latest macOS recommended. Download beta releases or nightly ...


You can download other binaries from$ARCH}/fileList.txt where ARCH can be universal , arm64 and x86_64 . If you want to build an older ...

IINA for Mac

2023年7月11日 — A Modern Video Player for macOS. IINA is a video player software developed and designed for use on macOS systems. Different from other video ...

IINA 免費功能強大的Mac 影音播放器功能技巧介紹

首先要先下載4K HEVC 的Demo片源(到這網站下載). 步驟2. 開啟4K HEVC 影片 ... 先下載IINA 瀏覽器外掛: Safari | Chrome | Firefox(尚未開發). 步驟1. 本篇採用 ...

Download IINA for Mac

Download the latest version of IINA for Mac for free. Read 58 user reviews and compare with similar apps on MacUpdate.

IINA 1.3.5 Free Download

IINA is a modern media player for macOS. It adopts the post-Yosemite design language of macOS and keeps up the pace of new technologies like Force Touch, ...

Nightly builds

Nightly builds are built by GitHub Actions based on each new commit on the develop branch. You may need to login on GitHub to download a nightly build.

IINA for Mac v1.3.5 官方中文免费版视频播放器

2024年5月4日 — IINA for Mac v1.3.5 官方中文免费版视频播放器. 安装教程. 打开下载文件,直接将软件拖入应用程序中即可完成安装。 下载地址安装教程请往上看. IINA for ...

IINA download

2024年5月31日 — Written in the Swift programming language, IINA is free and open-sourced under the GPLv3 license. Please feel free to contribute to it by ...